Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday, bloody Sunday!

And I'm not even a fan of U2. Anywho! Today as I was walking about in this gorgeous sunshine of today, I got attacked by a dog! Okay, okay. Attacked is too strong a word for what happened. I walked by a fence and a dog ran up to it and started barking like crazy. As dogs do when people are around. This dog, however, was like Snoopy's twin! Oh how I adore Snoopy. And today is going to bring you a wonderful piece of Snoopy stuff!

Oh yes, it is! It IS Charlie Brown's tee-shirt! Here! Over here: ! I collect websites of fantastic tees. This one just seemed an apt choice for the day my friends. For $19, you too can understand what on the bloody earth those Peanuts adults are saying.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

And on my first day of freedom..

Of course I've been awake since midnight, waking up with a fever of 102 degrees. It's much better now, thank you for your concern. I mostly lazed about on the couch watching movies and reading my autographed copy of "Surfers Code" by Shaun Tomson. I also worked a little on a DIY project for my love's house. So the item of the day is dually appropriate.
It looks like one of those bags you fill with ice for when you get knocked on the head, or maybe a hot water bottle for horrible crampy days. It is however a pincushion! You can get it here: for less than $9! I enjoy it because it looks like you'll pop it if you stick it with a pin, but really it's full of foam quite ready to be stabbed to oblivion! So it won't do you any good if you really are sick, but for your own little sewing projects it's a perfectly fun device!

Friday, August 29, 2008

I am all done!!!

So today was my final day at the surf shop. I was a little sad. However, this post has nothing to do with that. I actually was given a business card for pig manure deodorizer. It was.... interesting to say the least. I will tell you the story some other time in my other journal. But the card he gave me was dogged and crinkled. So I thought he needed one of these:

A business card case! Available at one of my favorites: for about $32. In many different designs and shapes (for business cards, pills, or tampons) they save your delicate things from being crushed wherever you keep them! Maybe if his card hadn't been wrinkled I would have bought his deoderizer for farms...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tomorrow is my last day at the surf shop!

Finally. After working in the godforsaken surf shop, which sadly morphed into a mainstream surf & sport ::gag::, for nearly a year I am finally escaping! You see, I worked in a pasta shop for three years (Yes, I made pasta from scratch and sold it wholesale and retail. It was really quite cool.) and the owner and I became good friends. I was his only employee for the last year of the business, so he had no choice to either be my friend or drive himself insane. Anyway, he sold the business and went to work for a good friend of his. I didn't have any desire to continue with pasta and work under the new ownership, so my boss got me a job working for his friend. Sadly, his friend's partner in the biz was a monster to his employees. I stayed out of goodwill to my former boss who went out on a limb for me. And now I have a decent excuse to leave. Classes start the second of September and my schedule is far too conflicting to work. ;) So, today I offer you this:
A book. Called "The Best Dance Moves In The World... Ever!" Available here: for $16.95. I offer you this because when you're running away from Hell and you have none of the damned chasing after flesh, you need to do a little victory dance. With the help of this book, your dance of triumph will without a doubt be stylin'! Dance party!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I am so tired.

And because I am exhausted from a good day, I will leave it short and sweet today. Here:

I've never owned a spoon rest. If I ever do it shall be this one. You can get it here: for a mere $8. You can relate to this spoon rest. For when you've had a long day, you just want to zonk out and dive into the heaven that is your pillow. Your cooking utensils do a whole lot of work, don't they deserve a good night's rest? Or at least a nap?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Not long ago, I realized that all of my junk is slowly but surely moving itself into my fiancees apartment. And that I'll be moving in there in the not-too-far future. I created our registry so that when I do, I will be able to change the sheets on our bed and dry myself off with a towel when I am fresh out of the shower. So far it only has a GPS, a toaster, and a deluxe Kitchen-Aid mixer with the pasta attachments. ::glee:: But something else that I sorely want for our home is:

The Ex VooDoo Knife Set. Not available at Target. However, available here: I try not to take life too seriously, and this I find joyously morbid! At approximately $70 I can have form AND function in one piece! My inlaws will be shocked when they see our little man full of knives sitting next to the stove. After barging into the apartment just to say hello. At which point I will grab one of said knives and thusly murder my in-laws for making surprise visits every afternoon*.

*Disclaimer: Really I adore my in-laws. I would never stab them. Instead we lock the doors and pretend we're not home.

And then there was light.

I've blogged long days and nights and it was always personal emo sap pay attention to me posts. (You may find it at However this will be a new leaf for me. My goal is to (as often as I can) bring you new things to see and look at and want and adore. And since there was light, I shall introduce you to this:

This is called Lamplamp. I stumbled across this wonderlamp at . Well... But until I figure out how to make a link into a word, I figured I would supply you with the whole link. It actually retails at a reasonable price (about $28). I was born into a house obsessed with decorative pillows and pretty lampshades. I for one am taking my stand and saying "Why is a lampshade REALLY necessary?" While they may serve the practical purpose of ::gasp:: shading the light, I am rebelling against so-called "pretty" lampshades. This bulb is far too cool to hide behind one. Shine on little lightbulb.