Saturday, August 30, 2008

And on my first day of freedom..

Of course I've been awake since midnight, waking up with a fever of 102 degrees. It's much better now, thank you for your concern. I mostly lazed about on the couch watching movies and reading my autographed copy of "Surfers Code" by Shaun Tomson. I also worked a little on a DIY project for my love's house. So the item of the day is dually appropriate.
It looks like one of those bags you fill with ice for when you get knocked on the head, or maybe a hot water bottle for horrible crampy days. It is however a pincushion! You can get it here: for less than $9! I enjoy it because it looks like you'll pop it if you stick it with a pin, but really it's full of foam quite ready to be stabbed to oblivion! So it won't do you any good if you really are sick, but for your own little sewing projects it's a perfectly fun device!

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