Sunday, February 22, 2015

Wicked Kitten of the West

I never had pets growing up. Except fish, but they don't count. I thought that people that treated pets like family were insane. After all, they're just animals. But a little over two years ago I got my first baby, Krieger; a year and some ago I got my second baby, Marceline. Then I understood. They're my babies. I can't help but love the heck outta their fluffy selves. Then it became a thing where I not only loved MY kittens; I love most kittens now. Who have I become?! But I digress. Because really, whether I loved cats or not, I would still love this thing: 
Indeed, it's a kitten candle that melts down to expose it's skeleton. It is so cool. Obviously you would have to keep it in some kind of dish or jar, but seriously, I want a little kitty skeleton and this seems like the easiest and least offensive way to acquire one. Interested? Get it here:
Marcie and Krieger approved. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Whale, whale, whale.

In New England, we're big fans of ocean decor. It's rare that you find a bathroom in Rhode Island that isn't beach themed. Mine isn't. But it's more the exception than the rule. It's not to say I'm against beach or nautical decor. I just feel like it's played out for powder rooms. If I ever have a kid though, I may have to do an ocean theme just so I can have this:
It's a ceramic whale table lamp. Imagine reading to your precious kid by the light of a round little whale? Maybe the Children's Classics version of Moby Dick? Or maybe not if you think he'd be sensitive to someone trying to kill his little lamp pal... But in any case, want one? Get it here:

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Magic. Pure Magic.

I'm pretty sure there is no 20-something lady that doesn't love unicorns. Or Rainicorns or Monochromicorns. Whatever. Personally, I love unicorns and I think it would be hilarious to be one. 
Onesie jammies with a unicorn head. I love it so much. I mean, they're expensive for pajamas but I feel like they're worth it for everyone to see just how magical I really am. Want some? Get 'em here!

Cooking With Your Bear Hands

When you make bread, you have to preheat your pot before you drop your dough in. The lid and everything. Once, I had been making bread, dropped the dough in my Wolfgang Puck, and when I went to go put the lid on, I went space cadet and grabbed it. Bare handed. It was awful. Giant blisters on my hand for weeks. I wish I had grabbed it with...
Bear Hands instead. 
Aww yiss. The awesomest oven mitts I have ever seen look like giant bear paws. They're glorious, aren't they?!
If standard oven mitts are just too boring for you, spice up your life with these. They're just so cool, and you'll keep your paws safe when grabbing your goodies out of the oven. If you want some, get them here:

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Ask Me Why I'm Lazy

Aww yiss. A long time ago I saw a shirt that said "ask me about my dinosaur" and the inside has a dino printed in it. It made me laugh pretty hard because I am sure all 20-something love dinosaurs and a chance to flash people. But I found a new style that really spoke to me. 
Ask me why I'm lazy and I'll show you my sloth. I think sloths are my spirit animal. Or koalas because they sleep 18 hours a day. But either way, I love this shirt immensely. If you want one for yourself, get it here:

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Good Times For Terrible People

Good times indeed. When you were a kid, did you ever play Apples to Apples? Did you ever grow up with a dark and terrible sense of humor? How about playing Apples to Apples with your dark and terrible sense of humor tied in? Then this is the game for you.
Cards Against Humanity. You've probably heard of it. Most people have by now. But in case you forgot before you bought it (or downloaded it for free and spent a ton on ink for printing it...) here it is! It's hilarious. Even if you have never heard of Apples to Apples, if you are basically a jerk, you will love it. I know I do. Get it here:

Friday, February 13, 2015

Paranoid and prepared part 2

Ladies: never say I sent you away unprepared! I've already stressed how paranoid I am and how I like to be prepared for any event. Well, I do live in a pretty suburban area and I go into the city a lot. So needing an actual survival kit isn't a likelihood in my life. But today's item is actually an app. 
What is it? It's called SafeTrek. You put in your basic info, you create a password, and when you feel unsafe you hold down the button. When you feel safe again you let go of the button and put in your passcode. If you don't enter your passcode within ten seconds, it automatically calls the police and notifies them of your location. 
It's only $1.99. For peace of mind I think that's pretty stinkin reasonable. I know normally I do fun items and pretty things but I feel like this is a thing that needs to be promoted. People have a right to feel safe but we are not always afforded that luxury. Until then, maybe this can help keep you a little safer! Download it at the App Store!
Or here: