Sunday, February 22, 2015

Wicked Kitten of the West

I never had pets growing up. Except fish, but they don't count. I thought that people that treated pets like family were insane. After all, they're just animals. But a little over two years ago I got my first baby, Krieger; a year and some ago I got my second baby, Marceline. Then I understood. They're my babies. I can't help but love the heck outta their fluffy selves. Then it became a thing where I not only loved MY kittens; I love most kittens now. Who have I become?! But I digress. Because really, whether I loved cats or not, I would still love this thing: 
Indeed, it's a kitten candle that melts down to expose it's skeleton. It is so cool. Obviously you would have to keep it in some kind of dish or jar, but seriously, I want a little kitty skeleton and this seems like the easiest and least offensive way to acquire one. Interested? Get it here:
Marcie and Krieger approved. 

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