Thursday, February 12, 2015

Things that look like garbage, but aren't

I have a small obsession with things that look disposable but aren't. One of my earliest posts was about "Not A Paper Cup," which looks like a standard paper coffee cup with a plastic kid but is actually porcelain. I actually purchased it and I loved it for a long time until it got the tiniest chip on the rim, which prevented the silicone lid from sealing it and I would slop tea all over myself. But I'm getting slightly off track. I have a new thing that looks disposable but isn't: 
Brown bagged lunch! Oh, it looks like a brown paper lunch bag, but it's not! It is, in fact, an insulated lunchbox! I'm not sure why I love this concept so much. I'm all about reusing stuff (ask my husband how many Chinese take-out soup containers I had before he staged an intervention); I prefer my glass Pyrex containers with lids over gladware or any of that other BPA-filled plastic junk. But there's something so homey to me about the idea of lunch in a brown paper bag. If you, too, want to throw it back to third grade, back when pb&j was acceptable in public schools, get yours here!

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