Thursday, September 4, 2008

Heather For The Win

My world literature professor is very strict. Her tardiness and absentee policy is absurd. You cannot be tardy because if you come into class after she takes attendance she will mark you absent and it will not be changed. Keep in mind if you are absent 4 times you will be dropped from the class. Psycho much? Today I was eight minutes late. I came in after she had called the last name on the attendance list. She tells me, "You're going to be marked absent but you should really stay anyway." I said, "I don't know why I should stay if I'm marked absent because I do have other work I can get done." She says, "Prove to me you're worth keeping in the class and I'll mark you present." Today's topic? The Hebrew Scriptures! I am a Bible student. So we go through class and I participate, make good points, mention things that are in the Bible that were not in our assigned reading. At the end of class she begrudgingly marked me present saying she didn't expect such studiousness from a tardy person but clearly I did the reading. I said, "Actually I didn't read your assignment. I'm just very familiar with the Bible." Aaaaand win. My religion has NO connection at all with crosses or crucifixes, but I thought this was still an awesome item for today:

More from Perpetual Kid ( for $24 is the Good Book Flask! Oh how blasphemous. I will reiterate the fact that my religion does NOT USE CROSSES IN THEIR WORSHIP. Just to get that clear. Jesus died on a stake, not a cross. Aside from the fact that God forbade the use of idols in worship. But yah. Today seemed like a good day to be hiding hard liquor in the Good Book. Heather:1 College: 0

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