Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tricksy things they is.

Some boys just don't appreciate the pain we put ourselves through for them. Between having sex for the first time, the Brazilian bikini waxes, and ::wince:: giving birth, we go through a lot for guys! I've been reminded by that today by my own penchant for below-the-belt waxing. (TMI, I know but it was a necessary bit of information!) And so the item of the day is for those of us who wax/shave/other those regions but sometimes feel like just having a little something! These embroidered undies are now sold, but when I had intended on posting them on Monday they were still available. If you think they are as bloody hilarious as I do and want a pair for yourself, you can possibly contact the seller and see if she's willing to make you up another pair! You can make your way to her contact page from here: Seriously though, how are undies with pubic hair embroidered on them not hysterical? SERIOUSLY?!

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