Monday, September 1, 2008

Last day of freedom.

Classes begin again tomorrow thus ending my three days of absolute freedom. Today I decided I needed to make myself useful and made myself some brownies! They were wonderful. But as I perused the intarwebz with my StumbleUpon button (you should try it! It's fantastic!) I found this little beauty:

I am probably one of the nerdiest people you've ever had some semblance of contact with. This pie plate with Pi in it! The rim has the number pi up to the first few dozen decimal points... I would pay $25 for this irony in ceramic in a heartbeat if I wasn't so broke. Does anyone want to buy it for me? PayPal me the money? Anyone? Bueller? No, I'm kidding of course, I don't presume I'm so interesting that people will provide me with useless things like Pi plates and such. Although really, help a girl out. I now work 4 hours a week and I'm a full time student. PayPal? Bueller?

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