Sunday, September 7, 2008

So sorry I'm late!

I missed you all yesterday. So sorry. I was at my lovie's house being fed French toast made with cinnamon raisin bread and strawberries. It was delicious. How I adore Jonathan when he makes me breakfast. Or lunch. Or dinner. He's a fantastic chef, he should have gone to culinary school. But with that delicious breakfast I drank orange juice with some pulp because his other offer was coffee, even though he knows I dislike coffee greatly. Unless it's foamy espresso dunked into a hot chocolate! Sadly though espresso machines are madly expensive and I had to settle for OJ. So I searched and I searched and here I bring you:

Handspresso! It's $155 (okay, still steep but it's a PORTABLE ESPRESSO MACHINE!) You can get it here: (I apologize that it's a tinyurl, but seriously, it was like seven lines long...) I think I would love to have one of these to take with me on vacation. That way I can have a nice foamy mocha when I'm unhappily stuck in the woods of New Hampshire on the yearly family vacation that we have to take unless we all want my mother to go into momzilla mode and kill us all and then feed us to the wild animals who in turn get some weird disease from eating humans and they proceed to bite other animals and then they bite people and they spread the disease and then next thing you know we're all gonna die or be some weird mutant like in "I Am Legend"!!!! Man, I hated that movie.

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